Lid Yarn Industry

Enthusiasm in every detail

The adventure from Steinsdalen

Reference in the time shift TRAKTOR, 2019-06-27

The furniture maker Samson G. Lid was told by the doctor to find something else to do. The 30-year-old had contracted paint poisoning. Would Lid Jarn's industry have seen the light of day without this drama? Probably not.

(Tap image on the left to bring up the whole article.)

With Lid and bright

Research in the journal Bedre Gårdsdrift, 2019-04-01

Lid Jarn's industry celebrated its seventeenth anniversary last year. It is a story that has seen the product development of tools go from horse and bike to 350 horse tractors.

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New automatic connection

Oppslag i Eikebladet, 2019-02

The automatic clutch has been given an oil-based lubrication that gives the components on the powertrain longer service life and simplifies maintenance. The oil is easily drained on the underside, before turning the automatic coupling and filling new oil from the top. The powertrain has also got more powerful taps with several tracks.

(Tap image on the left to bring up the whole article.)

Held axjane tightly to the chest

Reporting in Hordaland Folkeblad(HF), 2017-06-30.

It is important for us to have a local approach, between anna to south for continuity in the operation and to have close to the field. Me has had a lot of pressure on us to move production to Aust-Europe, where there is car-giver labour, but memeiner it is mogleg to survive in Noreg. If you have a lot of capital, it can be lost to a pen coat.

(Tap image on the left to bring up the whole article.)

Full mill in the valley

Entries in the journal Heima, 2016 – 03.

Me meiner it is a right val for the local community and announce our at me held production here home. This is where our expertise is, and this is where it's here to develop us and the host. Me is that the value creation should be verta verande in Noreg.

(Tap image on the left to bring up the whole article.)

Norwegian quality is even better

Spread in Eikebladet, 2015-02

The new automated production line ensures that DALEN products can continue to be competitive despite competition from products produced in low-cost countries. We increase efficiency and lower costs, while increasing quality by making the parts even more accurately designed.

(Tap image on the left to bring up the whole article.)

Does steel with light on Lid.

Reporting in hordaland folkeblad(HF) at the opening of a new production line in autumn 2013.

The new production line was officially seen in operation on The Day. Robotane does the job of many men outside the view of food pausar and working hours. The requirement is that dei have access to straum and steel patches.

(Tap image on the left to bring up the whole article.)

Per(pleks) Soldal

Research in Hordaland Folkeblad(HF), 2013-08-13

For more than 20 years, Per Soldal has worked in Lid jarnindustri AS in Steinsdalen. Tidlegare in sommar he retired. In connection with his 70th birthday, his old colleague decided to surprise him with a company.

Enthusiasm in every detail

Entries in newspaper from Sparebanken Vest, 2012-06-13


Kundane is ain't sure that it's a device that works when they need it. and is willing to pay a little extra for it. Samstundes must produce efficiently to compensate the high cost level. That's why me mykje invests in robotar and anna equipment that jobbar quickly. and as between anna lessens heavy lifting and making arbeldskvardagen betre for dei add.

Vibrant company freshen up logo and vision

Research in Hordaland Folkeblad(HF), 2011-02-08


Lid jarnindustri AS so it goes susar. Verksemda set a new omsetnadsrekord in 2010 with eighty million kroner. The progress host underline with new logo and new vision.

(Tap image on the left to bring up the whole article.)

Threaten against robbers and origins

Postings in Øystese Posten, 2009-02


We had a bottleneck in the production in terms of varniment and assembly. The expansion has given us a betre and meir efficient production in the desse departmentane, in addition to a long-underper working environment for dei add.

Lid Jarn's industry turns 60

Oppslag i Eikebladet, 2008-01


My father was a founder of the right meaning of the word, characterized by godliness with frugality and an urge to dare. The capital was invested to secure the workplaces and develop the business. I think that philosophy is important today, too.

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Benefit from additions

Entries in Hordaland Folkeblad(HF), 2007-11-20


" I'm going to have a week of 20 per cent. As the marquee is no, it has been great to expand with a new storage and assembly hall.  2,400 new square meters will be a breakthrough in production.

Byggje 2.4 acres industrial hall

Entries in Hordaland Folkeblad(HF), 2007-11-14


For about three years, the company decided that production will take place in the Steinsdalen valley and not in Aust-Europe. This is despite the fact that there was a lot of lucrative supply of very car-heavy labour. Sidan the flag was rejected as
inappropriate, has printed on the brand name Dalen berre auka.

Said no to flagging

2005-11-22 newspaper


Consultants advised Lid Jarnindustri to flag out. But the traditional work of the city to invest in hardanger. That's not what they've got.

(Tap image on the left to bring up the whole article.)

Norwegian production offers unique opportunities

2005-11-22 newspaper


The brand name DALEN is well known to eikebladet's readers. While other industry flags out, rates Lid Jarnindustri AS in Norheimsund on increased use of technology to offer Norwegian quality in an increasingly tough market. It pays off. In 2004, the turnover increased by 30 per cent.

Stable co-workers in THE VALLEY

Research in the newspaper Hodaland Folkeblad, 2004-10-09


Lars Arvid Steine has been in addition to lid jarnindustri for 52 years. In our dagar, nokon can hardly take aim at doing this omatt. The fall in retirement age and long-term work means that most people have short-term working lives than time-study.

From bike chain to wood machine

Entries in Ø-Posten, 2003-12


– Constantly fleire host witnessed the lifetime cost of what the dei buys. Dei asks for technically good løysingar and reliable hear, to get an efficient operation. Our experience is that if you have a good product, the lifetime shoe smash will be a good product, if the purchase price is enough.

For fire and flame

Postings in Bondevenen, 2003-12


With the goal of making machinery and equipment for Norwegian conditions, Lid Jarnindustri attaches great importance to the development of products. They have a separate department with five engineers and constructors who are tasked with ensuring that the company is a horse's head ahead of the competition.

Wood machines seals like never before

Postings in Hordaland Folkeblad(HF), 2003-08-26


The factory has developed a new wood machine, and in the production hall stands a fully assembled copy of the variety, with others are being assembled.

Many jarn in elden

Reference in Gula Tidend, 1994


-Design is important when announcing a product. It's like when we spend handlar in the store. About two products equal to us, well we make the product that charges us the most.

Industrialist who lasted the art nar

Research in Hordaland Folkeblad(HF)


Samson Lid meiner that he in his way tea care for the local cultural historia when he models famous people in the village.
Personar host gone, the same host profession and the way to dress and tea themselves. The old cop was an annan type.
than today.


38 years in agriculture si tenest

Oppslag i Norsk Landbruk, 1987


The young furniture worker Samson Lid was what he would call a "founder" today. This agriculture's Reodor Felgen may be able to say that in the eyes of industrialists today. The product from Lid has always developed on the terms of its premises.

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